Laser Assisted Teeth Whitening in Carina 

Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening Carina 

Here at Carina Dental Practice in Carina, QLD, we are proud to offer the latest innovation in teeth whitening: Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening using TouchWhite® technology.

How TouchWhite® Tooth Whitening Works

TouchWhite® leverages the power of the Er: YAG laser wavelength, which has an absorption peak in water – the main component of bleaching gels. This eliminates the need for additional absorbing particles in the gels, which allows for efficient and effective teeth whitening.

Unlike some other laser-assisted whitening methods, TouchWhite® minimises direct heating of the tooth, guaranteeing your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

Benefits of Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening

Swift Results: With Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening, you can have a brilliant smile up to 10 times faster than traditional methods. In just one single treatment, you can enjoy permanent and natural-looking results.

Safety First: Our TouchWhite® technology makes sure that there's no unnecessary thermal burden on your teeth during the whitening process, making it a safer option for your dental health.

Extreme Satisfaction: Patients who have undergone Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening report high levels of satisfaction and a substantial increase in confidence.

Why Choose TouchWhite® for Teeth Whitening?

Absorption Characteristics: TouchWhite® harnesses the Er: YAG wavelength's absorption characteristics to provide faster, safer, whiter and more natural-looking teeth.

Patient Comfort: Thanks to its reduced thermal impact on teeth, TouchWhite® ensures a comfortable experience for patients.

Convenience: Carina Dental's TouchWhite® teeth whitening treatments are efficient and easy, with pre-programmed options available for various whitening treatments.

If you're ready for a striking, confident smile, experience the magic of Laser-Assisted Teeth Whitening with our team at Carina Dental Practice. 

Want to know more about our laser-assisted teeth whitening services? Call us on (07) 3900 1309.

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